• Indeks Hang Seng (HSI) ditutup positif 0,22%
  • Indeks Nikkei 225 ditutup positif 0,10%
  • PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (SMGR) akan menerbitkan obligasi berkelanjutan senilai IDR 3,5 Triliun
  • PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk (CPIN) mendapatkan pinjaman senilai IDR 4,36 Triliun
  • PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) sampai akhir kuartal ketiga 2015 membukukan kenaikan penjualan sebanyak 9,3% senilai IDR 10,5 Triliun
  • PT Summarecon Agung (SMRA) berencana untuk menerbitan kontrak investasi kolektif dana investasi real estate (DIRE) senilai US$ 200 Million
  • PT Soechi Lines (SOCI) mentapkan alokasi belanja modal tahun 2016 sebanyak US$ 30-50 Million
  • Penjualan Ciputra Property Tbk. (CTRP) mencapai 88,2%
  • Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. (ANTM) telah menggunakan IDR 1.8 Triliun dari rights issue untuk pembangkit listrik
  • PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk. (SMRA) mengkaji ulang penerbitan real estate investment trust (REIT) senilai USD 200 Million
  • Penjualan semen memulai bergerak seiring dimulainya proyek infrastruktur
  • Sido Muncul (SIDO) memperluas kapasitas produksi empat kali lipat
  • PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia (Spindo) memproduksi baja untuk pembuatan mobil
  • Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk. (SSIA) mempersiapkan IDR 1.7 trn untuk capital expenditure tahun 2016
  • Penjualan semen Oktober menunjukkan melonjak sebanyak 6.37 m ton (+ 11,5% MoM)
  • Benchmark batubara Indonesia di Nov'15 turun 5,16% mom
  • New Issuance PBS011 Tutup Lelang Sukuk Terakhir 2015 
  • Transaksi Sekunder Turun ditengah Minimnya Sentimen Pasar 
  • Perusahaan Terkait Infrastruktur akan Terbitkan Obligasi
  • Minat Tinggi FR0056 Jelang Penetapan Benchmark
  • Outlook Peringkat Bank BJB Kembali Stabil
  • PP Properti mengincar medium term notes (MTN) dan Obligasi

  • Hang Seng Index (HSI) closed positively 0.22%
  • Nikkei 225 closed positive 0.10% 
  • PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (SMGR) will issue bonds worth Rp 3.5 trillion
  • PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk (CPIN) get loan worth Rp 4.36 Trillion
  • PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) until the end of the third quarter of 2015 recorded a 9.3% increase in sales, worth RP 10.5 trillion
  • PT Summarecon Agung (SMRA) plans to issue a contract for collective investment real estate investment funds (DIRE) US $ 200 Million
  • PT Soechi Lines (SOCI) establish US $ 30-50 Million capital for expenditure for 2016 
  • Sales Ciputra Property Tbk. (CTRP) reached 88.2%
  • Antam (Persero) Tbk. (ANTM) spend IDR1.8 trn from rights issue on power plant
  • Ciputra Development allocates IDR1.5 trn from capital expenditure 
  • PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk. (SMRA) review the issuance of real estate investment trusts (REITs) worth USD 200 Million
  • Cement sales pick up pace as infrastructure projects start
  • Sido Muncul (SIDO) to expand production capacity fourfold
  • PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia (Spindo) produces steel for car manufacturing
  • Indicated October cement sales jumped to 6.37m tonnes (+11.5% MoM)
  • Indonesian coal in Nov'15 benchmark fell 5.16% mom
  • New Issuance PBS011 Close Last Sukuk Auction 2015
  • Secondary Transactions Down amid lack of market sentiment
  • Related Companies Infrastructure will Bonds
  • High interest FR0056 Coming Determination Benchmark
  • Rating Outlook Stable Bank BJB Back
  • Property PP targeting medium term notes (MTN) and Bonds 0.10% positive
  • PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (SMGR) will issue bonds worth Rp 3.5 trillion
  • PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk (CPIN) to get a loan of Rp 4.36 Trillion
  • PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) until the end of the third quarter of 2015 recorded a 9.3% increase in sales of 10.5 trillion worth of RP
  • PT Summarecon Agung (SMRA) plans to issue a contract for collective investment real estate investment funds (DIRE) US $ 200 Million
  • Sales Ciputra Property Tbk. (CTRP) reached 88.2%
  • Antam (Persero) Tbk. (ANTM) have been using RP 1.8 trillion from the rights issue for power generation
  • Ciputra Development of capital expenditure allocated RP1.5trn
  • Soechi Lines Tbk PT (SOCI) reducing capital expenditure for 2016
  • PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk. (SMRA) review the issuance of real estate investment trusts (REITs) worth USD 200 Million
  • Cement sales begin to move along the commencement of infrastructure projects
  • Appears Sido (SIDO) expand production capacity fourfold
  • PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia (Spindo) produces steel for the manufacture of car
  • October showed cement sales jumped as much as 6:37 m tons (+ 11.5% MoM)
  • Indonesian coal in Nov'15 benchmark fell 5.16% mom
  • New Issuance PBS011 Close Last Sukuk Auction 2015
  • Companies related ini infrastructure will issue bonds
  • High interest FR0056 before benchmark determination 
  • Bank BJB Outlook rate stabilized
  • Property PP targeting medium term notes (MTN) and Bonds

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