Government Add USD 5 Billion Debt For Deficit Anticipation-P 2015

Government Add USD 5 Billion Debt For Deficit Anticipation-P 2015
Government Add USD 5 Billion Debt For Deficit Anticipation-P 2015

The government plans to spend up to USD 5 billion from bilateral and multilateral loans to anticipate widening state budget deficit in 2015 over 2.23% of GDP (assuming the revised 2015 revised budget deficit of only 1, 9%). 

These funds come from the stand-by loan of USD 3.2 billion loan from the World Bank and other programs. Shortages or $ 1.8 billion more will be obtained from Bank loans Builders Asia (ADB) amounting to USD 500 million, Japan and Australia amounted to USD 300 million. 

The rest of the USD 1 billion is planned to be going through a private placement (private placement) sale of Government Securities (GS) in the primary market.

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